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Are you wondering how to navigate these tumultuous times?

The news media only seem to heighten fear and leave everything up to chance. Is there a better way?

Join us for a series of interviews with forward thinking Christian Scientists addressing contemporary issues. Each interview will last 30 minutes followed by 15 minutes of live Q & A with the speaker. Events will be available live through Zoom at 6 p.m. Pacific Time. You can also listen by phone to the interview. Interviews will be available for replay after the event.

Headshot of David Cook

David Cook, Interviewer

David Cook joined The Christian Science Monitor’s staff in 1969 and served as Editor of The Monitor from 1994 to 2001. During that time, csmonitor.com was launched and the paper won the 1996 Pulitzer Prize for international reporting. He then served for 15 years as Senior Editor and Washington Bureau Chief. From 2001 to 2017 Cook also hosted The Monitor’s Washington newsmaker breakfasts, presiding over 672 of them with guests including Barack Obama, Jimmy Carter, Susan Collins, Nancy Pelosi and Colin Powell. In December 2017 David and his wife, Linda, moved to The Willows.

Thinking Forward Series: The 2024 Election and the MOnitor’s Steady, Clear-eyed view With guest, Francine Kiefer, West Coast bureau chief, hosted by David Cook, former editor

Francine Kiefer is based in the Los Angeles area as the West Coast Bureau Chief for The Christian Science Monitor. She is an award-winning journalist and on the board of the Los Angeles Press Club. She also has a long journalistic history in Washington, most recently as the Monitor’s Congressional Correspondent and earlier as White House correspondent – covering the administrations of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. In between those two assignments, she served as commentary editor and editorial writer, also in Washington. In 1989, Francine reported on the fall of the Berlin Wall as the Monitor’s correspondent in Germany. In her early career she was a business reporter. She joined the Monitor in 1980.

Francine also worked for nearly five years as the National Editor for The San Jose Mercury News in California’s Silicon Valley. She holds a BA in English literature from Smith College and an MFA in creative nonfiction writing from Goucher College. She has taught workshops on opinion writing at George Washington University and other colleges. 

THINKING FORWARD SERIES: DAVID COOK INTERVIEWS ANNE COOLING - The Committee On Publication: Responding To The World as it is Today REPLAY HERE

ANNE COOLING is a Christian Science Practitioner and Committee on Publication for Southern California. She is a member of The Mother Church and the branch church in Laguna Niguel, California. Anne has completed her Master of Arts in Theology at the New Theological Seminary of the West with her Master’s thesis on Christian healing. She has served on the boards of Broadview and Sunland, Christian Science Nursing Facilities and was a Christian Science Assistant Nurse at High Haven. Anne has written articles in the press and the periodicals. She has given Association addresses and other talks for the Christian Science community, including Bible talks here at The Willows, at Principia Summer Session and within her branch church. She has been involved for years in interfaith and ecumenical dialogues, also giving talks in these venues.